Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

Merry Christmas!!!

Posted: December 25, 2015 in Malifaux, Random Geekery
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Wyrd Miniatures and DriveThruRPG teamed up to have a great holiday giveaway–you had about 24 hours to post a photo of you, a Malifaux or Through the Breach book, and some holiday cheer and then share it with them before the Wyrd team left the office on the 23rd and they would send you a mysterious gift of digital copies of something from Wyrd’s catalog. I decided to have a little fun with the photo and do a recreation of the cover of the Malifaux 2E Rules Manual with a holiday twist and it turned out too good not to share.

The afternoon of the 23rd I was surprised with the e-mails from DriveThruRPG containing free downloads of the full Malifaux M2E Rulebook, Shifting Loyalties, the Through the Breach Fated Almanac, and a Through the Breach Penny Dreadful One-Shot Adventure! Promotions like this are one of the major reasons why Wyrd is such a great company, so a million thanks to them!

I also wanted to wish the various denizens of the Internet who happen to find my little corner a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joyous Saturnalia, Happy Hanukkah, Superb Solstice, Kick-ass Kwanza, Fantastic Festivus, and Fabulous Festivities which I may have forgotten!!!