Archive for the ‘Wargaming’ Category

After a very busy couple of weeks, my Iron Painter 2018 Round 4 entry is complete! The theme this round was “Lowdown and Dirty.” I immediately jumped on the idea that it would be a lot of fun to paint up the Gremlin “Wrastlers” and Mancha Roja having a mud wrestling match in the Bayou and I wanted to try my hand at a diorama with a cutaway view of water again; I certainly learned from the mistakes I made with my first try with this style of diorama in my round 2 entry last year (I got the math right this time and didn’t end up needing five times as much resin as I thought I would!). I tried out a technique that was new to me to create splashes in the water and I am very pleased with how it turned out. Now I must wait for judgment to see if I survive another round in the Silver Tier to face one last Challenger for glory in the final round!


Since I’m more on top of things this time around and I haven’t shared this here yet, I figured I ought to post my Iron Painter 2018 round 3 entry. The theme this round was “Monster Mash”; this entry was challenging, but so much fun to do! I based the paintings on the wall off of the original image of Ferdinand Vogel from the Divergent Paths campaign, way back when he first arrived in Malifaux and before all of the events occurred that made him the man (or monster) he is today. The two framed paintings were entirely freehand painted. I made the wallpaper by creating a vector pattern in Illustrator, which I glued to the wall and then painted over to give it depth. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it! I ended up winning my match-up and continue to fight on in the Silver Tier!

Being a busy busy artist/gamer/student I just realized that I completely forgot to mention earlier how round 1 of Iron Painter 2018 went for me–I got seeded into the Silver Tier! After winning out in Bronze Tier last year, my goal for this year was to make it into the Silver Tier, so I’ve accomplished that! Also, round 2 finished up and I just submitted my round 3 entry a few minutes ago, so I suppose you might be wondering how I did in round 2… (more…)

Once again it’s that time of the year when we must paint until our fingers bleed–it’s time for Iron Painter 2018! This will be my fourth year competing in this grueling competition and my sites are set high–last year I managed to be a Bronze Tier winners, this year I hope to be seeded into a higher tier and survive until the end! However things shake out, this competition is always a great way for me to challenge my painting skills and I look forward to seeing what crazy themes they throw at us this year.

Above is my first round entry; voting is still going on for a few days, so I’m eagerly anticipating the results so that I know where I will be seeded and what the theme for the next round is.

It has been far too long since I have posted anything here; I blame the craziness that has been life lately. Anyway, I will hopefully once again be getting back to a regular posting schedule and what better time of year to do it that right at Gen Con season! I’ll be making my annual pilgrimage to Gen Con in a few short days, so follow along here to join in the fun! I’ve also been painting a few things to get ready for Gen Con. (more…)

I do a Podcast now!

Posted: February 5, 2018 in Malifaux

I’ve mentioned it briefly before, but it never hurts to mention it again. For the past couple of months I’ve been hosting and producing a Malifaux podcast; in this podcast we talk tactics, hobby, and news for the fantastic tabletop game Malifaux. I’m really happy with how the podcast has been so far and the direction it’s been heading.
You should check it out!

Even though I’m a bit ahead of the curve on my 2018 hobby goal of painting 1 model per week, I am still pushing myself to keep up the pace. Over the last week, I finally got around to finishing off Barbaros!

For those of you who don’t know, a few months ago I began hosting a bi-weekly Malifaux podcast with the other Admins from the A Wyrd Place Facebook group. In our first episode of the New Year, we all made some hobby resolutions for 2018 to try to get us all painting more; in this episode I committed to the Model Per Week Challenge in which I would complete 1 model per week for the entirety of 2018 so that at the end I would have painted at least 52 models. Part of the conditions of this challenge is that these models are to be for my own use on the table and that they can’t include miniatures painted for competitions or commissions. Along with the doing the Model Per Week Challenge I’m aiming to have completed at least 365 soulstones worth of models by years’ end. As I haven’t been posting here as often as I used to, I figure this is also a good time to get back to posting on a regular basis. (more…)

It has been far too long since I posted anything here. This is due in no small part to a hurricane whipping through my city and causing all kinds of disruptions to everything. Shortly after said hurricane, Iron Painter 2017 began and I focused most of my hobby time on that as well as hosting and editing the resurrected A Wyrd Place Podcast. This was my third year participating in the Iron Painter competition and although I didn’t have time to do my series of posts documenting my work in progress along the way, I did manage to once again complete an entry every round. Enjoy this gallery of all of my Iron Painter 2017 entries:

I feel like I completed some of my best painting works I have ever completed this year. I was once again seeded into the Bronze tier for this competition but I managed to eliminate my opponents every round, thereby completing my goal of doing better this year than I did last year and at become at least a Bronze tier final winner! My third round entry was also featured in the December issue of Wyrd Chronicles in an article on Iron Painter 2017. Overall I’m remarkably happy with how Iron Painter 2017 went for me; I grew as a painter and have added several new weapons to my painting toolbox.

In 2017 a crack Malifaux unit was sent to my painting table by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security figure case to the Malifaux underground. Today, still wanted by the Guild, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire: The Freikorps.