Posts Tagged ‘Terrain’

It’s Wednesday, at least that’s what everyone keeps telling me so that’s the assumption I’ll keep working on. Speaking of working and poor writing transitions, it’s Work in Progress Wednesday! Time to share what you’ve been working on this week. With my ongoing “An Iron Painter’s Quest” series, I’ve already shared a lot of what I’ve been working on until the late every night, but WiP Wednesday is a tradition whose weekly obligations must be met!

Over the weekend I attended a Malifaux tournament that I had a ton of fun at; my performance on the tabletop was a little sub-par, but I did walk away with the “Best Hobbyist” prize. It also was an opportunity to break out the terrain I’ve been working on. It still needs a little work on the details, but it’s looking really great (you can see my little wild west town up above).

Above you can also see some of the progress I’ve made on my Iron Painter entry since the last time I shared it with you; adding in some color now, although I still have yet to use the pink I need to fit the theme. With my in-laws coming into town this weekend, I have a few more late nights left to finish off this piece before the deadline. Check back soon for more updates, there will be tons of them in the coming days.

What have you been working on?

WiPWednesday 2-17 #1

Once again Wednesday has arrived and with it comes the time to share what’s been on your painting table over the last week–it’s Work in Progress Wednesday! This week for me has been all about details; I have several projects  that are to the detailing stage and looking great so far.

WiPWednesd 2-10

I’ve had quite the productive week, so I have a fair amount to show you for Work in Progress Wednesday this week (although only had time to snap the one picture). If you checked here earlier this week I showed off the Slate Ridge Mauler I finished up and I have my Guild Arcanist Hounds finished to a point where they are very nearly finished, so I won’t be showing you any more of them until the finished reveal. Other than those projects, I got quite a bit done on a few other projects.

As I have been loving running dogs with Marcus, I have decided that my Canine Remains will be the next Malifaux models I will finish off after the Guild Arcanist Hounds; I just started in on the details for them. The Sigismund model I am painting on commission for a friend is coming along nicely. It is honestly an intimidatingly detailed model that I really don’t want to mess up, but I feel like I have finally gotten over the hump on that one and am making some great progress on all the little details that make is such a cool model. On the terrain front I have basecoating and initial highlights done on the main portions of the buildings, trees, and forest floors I’m working on, so it’s time to move on to the details. I also obtained a nail polish rack this week to store/organize my paints and clear up some work space on my hobby desk and I love how much easier it is to find the paint I need and then keep my desk from being cluttered by leaving too many paints sitting out instead of putting them back into the drawers I previously stored them in; I also started transferring my GW paints over to dropper bottles to extend their lives and to make mixing/thinning paints more efficient.

Something else that I am ridiculously excited about is the Kickstarter for “Corrupted Kingdoms” from Artana games which launched today. I wanted to share this Kickstarter with you all since I thought it would interest most anyone who’s interested in this blog. I am in no way involved with this Kickstarter other than backing it and really hoping it funds. I’ve been waiting for this to launch since I demoed it back in August during day 2 of Gen Con; it was one of my favorite games I tried out there. Go check it out and back it, you won’t be disappointed!

What have you been working on?


Once again Work in Progress Wednesday is here, so it’s time for all good hobbyists to share what they’ve been working on! This week, I’ve been quite productive–I’ve done some detailing work on the Sigismund commission I’ve been working on (I swear that I’ll actually finish him one of these days, Chris!), started and nearly finished the new plastic Slate Ridge Mauler for Malifaux (this model we surprisingly quick to paint up), primed all of the terrain new terrain I showed you in my WiP Wednesday post last week, used my airbrush to put the basecoat on all of the old west buildings, and started the process of transferring my GW paints into dropper bottles for more efficient use and longer life. All in all, I would say that I got quite a bit done this week!

With how far I have gotten on the Slate Ridge Mauler, I am confident that I will be able to share the completely finished model with you by the end of the week. It has been far too long since I have shown off anything finished. With how well the Guild Arcanist Hounds have been working for me in-game and how little work I have left on those, hopefully they won’t be too far behind.

What have you been working on?

WiPWednesday 1-27 #8

Work in Progress Wednesday this week is all about making my gaming world a better place, on and off the table. Last week I decided that I want to get the Malifaux scene in the friendly local game shop closest to me going again; I’ve recently gotten a few of my gaming friends who live near me into Malifaux and most of the shops in Houston where there’s a Malifaux scene are at least a 30 minute drive from all of us. (more…)