Archive for the ‘Warhammer 40k’ Category


Behold Sigismund, First Captain of the Imperial Fists!


Wednesday is upon us, which means it’s time for all good hobbyists to share what’s been on their hobby table this week–it’s Work in Progress Wednesday!!!

This week I finally got started on final assembly and touch-ups on the Sigismund commission I’ve been doing for a friend. I also primed up a Von Schill crew I’m painting on commission for another friend. Last and certainly not least, I sculpted a poncho to go on a friend’s Peacekeeper; my friend usually runs Pedro (as the Peacekeeper is known) with his Perdita crew and tends to use Abuela to marry him into the family, hence why he needed the poncho and sombrero.

Before next week I will hopefully have a few more models finished up to share with you all, so keep your eyes peeled for those!

What have you been working on?

WiPWednesday 2-17 #1

Once again Wednesday has arrived and with it comes the time to share what’s been on your painting table over the last week–it’s Work in Progress Wednesday! This week for me has been all about details; I have several projects  that are to the detailing stage and looking great so far.


Once again Work in Progress Wednesday is here, so it’s time for all good hobbyists to share what they’ve been working on! This week, I’ve been quite productive–I’ve done some detailing work on the Sigismund commission I’ve been working on (I swear that I’ll actually finish him one of these days, Chris!), started and nearly finished the new plastic Slate Ridge Mauler for Malifaux (this model we surprisingly quick to paint up), primed all of the terrain new terrain I showed you in my WiP Wednesday post last week, used my airbrush to put the basecoat on all of the old west buildings, and started the process of transferring my GW paints into dropper bottles for more efficient use and longer life. All in all, I would say that I got quite a bit done this week!

With how far I have gotten on the Slate Ridge Mauler, I am confident that I will be able to share the completely finished model with you by the end of the week. It has been far too long since I have shown off anything finished. With how well the Guild Arcanist Hounds have been working for me in-game and how little work I have left on those, hopefully they won’t be too far behind.

What have you been working on?

WiPWednesday 10-21 #1 WiPWednesday 10-21 #2

The Future arrives today! Conveniently the Future arrived on Work in Progress Wednesday, the day on which I reveal to you more likely visions of what the future will hold! While I can’t promise you hoverboards, I can promise you painted miniatures! For Malifaux I’ve been working on The Captain, Mechanical Rider, and Malifaux Child and I’ve also been working on this Sigismund of the Imperial Fists from Forge World as a commission piece.

You may notice that the Malifaux Raptor conversion I have been working on it conspicuously missing from these photos–that’s because it’s made the move from work in progress to nearly finished, I just need to complete the basing! Ok, so technically it’s still a work in progress, but it’s so close to being finished that I don’t want to spoil the final reveal.

That’s all for this week, hopefully the hover-conversion on my car will be complete by the time I get home from work; the time that will save me on my daily commute will let me get more painting done!

WiPWednesday 9-30 #1

Wednesday has come again and that means it is time once again for a glimpse at the future! Behold that which is prophesied to come!

WiPWednesday 9-16 #3

It’s Wednesday! What does that mean? It means that it’s Work in Progress Wednesday, which is much cooler than Throwback Thursday because the future is full of potential [and potential energy if you’re a Weeping Angel (you’re not are you, because that would be weird)]! So enough with the nested parentheses because this week the future is full of fire!

WiPWednesday 9-9 #1

Last week I said I would be starting a tradition of making every Wednesday “Work in Progress Wednesday”, so I have made sure to come through for you all because I know that deep down your week wouldn’t be complete without seeing what I have been working on. I must say that it is a pleasure to bring some light to the darkness that is your life. (more…)

WiPWednesday 9-2

It’s been too long since I posted anything and I feel like I have been slacking off a little, so I am here today to announce my newest posting tradition: Work in Progress Wednesdays! It’s just like Throwback Thursdays, but instead of seeing the past you get a glimpse into the future! This is also to keep me going on the goal I set myself at the top of the year of doing at least 15 minutes of hobby work every day; I’ve been slacking off on that a bit in the weeks following Gen Con (possibly due to the flurry of painting I did in preparation of Gen Con). (more…)

Photo Box 14

I have been working on improving the quality of photos I take of my miniatures for a while and have found a great method used by “the pros” that most any hobbyist can pull off at home for a nearly no cost at all. That method is using a photography light diffusion box and I am going to teach you how to build one using items you probably have around your house (and if you don’t, they are rather inexpensive to procure).
