Posts Tagged ‘Neverborn’

Even though I’m a bit ahead of the curve on my 2018 hobby goal of painting 1 model per week, I am still pushing myself to keep up the pace. Over the last week, I finally got around to finishing off Barbaros!


I painted these Neverborn models before Califaux so that I could use them in the Henchman Hardcore tournament there, but I just realized that I never actually posted any photos of them. Anyway, I hope you like them:



It’s been awhile since I’ve posted photos of any finished miniatures other than my Iron Painter entries, but with the week between the end of round 4 of Iron painter and the start of the final round I managed to get a bit of work done on some other models. This here is Nekima from Malifaux; looking at her it’s pretty easy to figure out what she’s all about. I hope you like her!


Just in case you didn’t know, today is April Fool’s Day; this year I thought I should provide some respite from the madness of the internet by bringing you some much needed sanity. Just listen to the comforting whispers of my new friends and everything will be okay…

Widow Weaver #1

Behold the latest model finished in my efforts to bring a fully painted summoning Dreamer crew to the table. I present to you the Widow Weaver!  (more…)

Stitched #2

An old maxim exists amongst miniature gamers that if you are waiting for the plastic version of a miniature to come out, it won’t come out until you finish painting the metal version of it. To everyone who has been waiting for Wyrd to come out with the plastic Stitched Together kit, you’re welcome–Wyrd just announced the release date for these creepy bags of guts in their latest newsletter.


This weekend I had a lot of time to get in some painting and managed to get a little ahead of the curve for finishing off the models I wanted to finish before heading out to Gen Con. These creepy little fish-frogs are Silurids from Malifaux and they are here to join Marcus’ magnificent menagerie (and the rest of my Neverborn if I ever get around to playing them).


I have several models that I would like to finish up painting before Gen Con this year and in an effort to build off of the painting momentum I have built up in the weeks leading up to and throughout the Iron Painter 2025 Competition, I am challenging myself to finish off all of the above pictured models prior to my trip to Gen Con. As I am leaving for Gen Con exactly five weeks from today’s date, that averages out to a little more than a model a week (which is convenient as I will probably finish off all of the Silurids at the same time).

The final round of the Iron Painter 2015 Competition will start towards the end of this week, so I need to keep going strong with these models. I have called upon you before, oh denizens of the internet, during my preparations for the Iron Painter competition to shame me were I to fail to complete a model per week; this gave me to motivation behind one of the most productive time periods of painting I have ever had. Once again I ask you to heap your shame, scorn, and derision upon me if each Friday between now and Gen Con I fail to present you with at least one of the models pictured above in its fully painted glory. I know I can count on you!


Oh no!! It’s Teddyzilla! Run for your lives!!! Oh wait, nevermind, it’s just my entry for Round 4 of Wyrd Miniature’s Iron Painter 2015 competition.

This is my take on the classic Japanese Kaiju film, Malifaux style. This diorama was a lot of fun to build and paint; I hope you all like it! (more…)


While waiting for various parts of my Iron Painter entry to dry, harden, cure, etc., I decided it was time to finish off a few more tiny modes. I have really been on a Neverborn painting kick lately, so I painted these adorable, evil (adorabevil?) Terror Tots!
