Posts Tagged ‘Iron Painter 2018’

After a very busy couple of weeks, my Iron Painter 2018 Round 4 entry is complete! The theme this round was “Lowdown and Dirty.” I immediately jumped on the idea that it would be a lot of fun to paint up the Gremlin “Wrastlers” and Mancha Roja having a mud wrestling match in the Bayou and I wanted to try my hand at a diorama with a cutaway view of water again; I certainly learned from the mistakes I made with my first try with this style of diorama in my round 2 entry last year (I got the math right this time and didn’t end up needing five times as much resin as I thought I would!). I tried out a technique that was new to me to create splashes in the water and I am very pleased with how it turned out. Now I must wait for judgment to see if I survive another round in the Silver Tier to face one last Challenger for glory in the final round!


Since I’m more on top of things this time around and I haven’t shared this here yet, I figured I ought to post my Iron Painter 2018 round 3 entry. The theme this round was “Monster Mash”; this entry was challenging, but so much fun to do! I based the paintings on the wall off of the original image of Ferdinand Vogel from the Divergent Paths campaign, way back when he first arrived in Malifaux and before all of the events occurred that made him the man (or monster) he is today. The two framed paintings were entirely freehand painted. I made the wallpaper by creating a vector pattern in Illustrator, which I glued to the wall and then painted over to give it depth. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it! I ended up winning my match-up and continue to fight on in the Silver Tier!

Being a busy busy artist/gamer/student I just realized that I completely forgot to mention earlier how round 1 of Iron Painter 2018 went for me–I got seeded into the Silver Tier! After winning out in Bronze Tier last year, my goal for this year was to make it into the Silver Tier, so I’ve accomplished that! Also, round 2 finished up and I just submitted my round 3 entry a few minutes ago, so I suppose you might be wondering how I did in round 2… (more…)

Once again it’s that time of the year when we must paint until our fingers bleed–it’s time for Iron Painter 2018! This will be my fourth year competing in this grueling competition and my sites are set high–last year I managed to be a Bronze Tier winners, this year I hope to be seeded into a higher tier and survive until the end! However things shake out, this competition is always a great way for me to challenge my painting skills and I look forward to seeing what crazy themes they throw at us this year.

Above is my first round entry; voting is still going on for a few days, so I’m eagerly anticipating the results so that I know where I will be seeded and what the theme for the next round is.