Posts Tagged ‘Gen Con’

It’s been a few days since I arrived home from Gen Con and I’ve finally recovered and gotten organized, so it’s time for the post-Gen Con wrap-up!

Day 3 of Gen Con started super early for us with back to back True Dungeon runs; we had a blast and even managed to successfully complete our first time trying out Hardcore difficulty!

Another busy day at Gen Con has wrapped up and it was full of all kinds of games!

The first day of Gen Con has come and gone and what a day it was!

It’s the night before my favorite four days of the years and I can’t sleep because of the excitement! Gen Con starts tomorrow!!!

It has been far too long since I have posted anything here; I blame the craziness that has been life lately. Anyway, I will hopefully once again be getting back to a regular posting schedule and what better time of year to do it that right at Gen Con season! I’ll be making my annual pilgrimage to Gen Con in a few short days, so follow along here to join in the fun! I’ve also been painting a few things to get ready for Gen Con. (more…)


It’s been about a week since Gen Con 2016 wrapped up, which means that I should probably get around to doing this wrap-up post.  (more…)

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time to share what you’ve been working on this week! Having been either on the road to/from Indianapolis or at Gen Con itself from last Tuesday up until late Monday night, I haven’t gotten much actual hobby work accomplished; most of my Work in Progress currently is recovering from Gen Con and catching up on real life commitments. I did learn some really cool painting and sculpting techniques that I’m looking forward to trying out on my models once I clean up my hobby room a bit. As I don’t have much in the way of miniatures to show of as works in progress this week, I felt I should share my Gen Con haul (I’ve got to get it sorted an organized, so that’s some WiP, right?).

What have you been working on?

Today was the fine day of Gen Con 2016 and it was a great wrap-up to a great con! (more…)

Three days of Gen Con down, one more to go! (more…)